Sunday, May 23, 2010

water-necessary to live-but killing thousands

Water-the simplest and most essential things of life-the earth is made of mostly water –so are most of the living creatures on earth-including us-its hard to think of water as a killing force and not a life giving force-but for billions that is how it is- there is plenty of water in the world but not enough drops to drink- it takes filters and wells to make that possible and bottled water does not help the situation-

I remember that I bought bottled water in Egypt because local water would make us sick- and we just assumed it doesn’t make locals sick because their bodies are used to it-what is that is not true-what if they have developed a resistance to it but this has led to other problems in health when they get older-or causes more risks in children dying? Then also there is the issue of plastic bottles-why do we ship and distribute this to thousands in a crisis instead of giving them water filters to use the water that is all around them-teach the tools to boil and treat the water that surrounds them and is muddied up?

It is suppose to be a life giving force and with help can be restored back to its original purpose –to help bring life- Water is a crisis world wide-only a few weeks ago I read an article on BBC about conferences going on about the Nile and its sources and the fight over it as a resource among North African countries –I think of how polluted the water was in Cairo and no one could even swim in it let alone drink from it-yet it is one of the largest and most important water sources of the North Africa- I think of how water pollution is often on the list of issues and obstacles to peace as well. To learn more about the Nile and the treaties and talks over this resource see below links:

An organization that is making a difference in all of this is Wine to water, led by Doc Henley, a former bartender, who was named one of the top 10 CNN HERO's this year- this organization is building wells and distributing filters, all over the world and in so saving lives.

As Doc has explained more Gov. funding for research on disease is being done for HIV, Malaria, AIDs etc. then research into water sanitation/disease control –these do not kill by themselves as many people as unclean water does each year. Another staggering truth is that every 15 seconds a child dies as a result of lack of clean water. Wine to Water is using money made through hosting wine tastings and selling their own wine to have wells built by local communities with local resources. They are training locals how to build the wells, and where to find the supplies to keep them running.

To find out what can be done go to:


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